(because this took a lot longer than planned, here is the first two weeks in vague mode. But now I'm all caught up! So thats cool.)
Left to right, Top to bottom: Jeremy (TN), Ariella (OR), Kerissa (OH), Erika (WA), Lou (IL), Matt (KY), Mellisa (OR), Ainsley (NJ), me, Cassie (OH) and Katy (PA) |
"Good morning AmeriFamily!" On September 2nd, I rode into Cispus with Matt and Kerissa feeling like I was about to meet new in-laws. Everyone seemed equally excited, nervous and hopeful for building that sort of family bond and now 2 weeks in, I can say that while there have been ups and downs and adjustments, being in AmeriCorps has once again proven to build something that runs far deeper than a team or a work force.
In our first day alone, we managed to evolve a good repitoir of inside jokes, many revolving around hair and hairy things. But there was the serious and sentimental as well. Finishing our introduction to the Cispus Learning center at the end of the week, Vince facilitated us through the challenge course and had us all partake in a new element in which he integrated a "Beauty Circle" and had us each take turns getting in the middle to hear what each other team member noticed about the beauty we brought to the world. It was a powerful (and teary) experience which further helped to thrust us into that bond and empower our strengths (Lou and Jeremy's comments for me still continue to be pieces for reflection.)
But more pivotal than our scheduled time together has been the time we make for one another. There have already been two surprising occasions of people coming to
Packwood to get together, a rarity in the past. While coordinating with 10 other people has proven difficult for some of the activities that would be fun to get more people in on, I've still been able to build nice relationships with a few people on one-on-one outings. Ariella and I have now ventured Olympia and hiked together and Cassie and I made it out to Naches Loop/Tipsoo lake hike just yesterday. And after our
thrilling AmeriLaunch on Friday, we took trips to the farmer's market and co-ops, just one of the few examples of how much more like-minded this group seems to be in many ways.
In the beginning of this second year, I am still so grateful and sometimes overwhelmed by the multifaceted quality of this job. Because it is so much more. AmeriCorps has been both a job and a family. It has allowed me to educate and also to learn and grow so much in myself. It has given me the opportunity to build and be a part of multiple communities at once and expanded my sense of home. It has allowed me to learn more independence while employing me to learn how to ask for the help that is needed and necessary.
It is not all easy. Especially starting a second year, there are new dynamics to get used to, expectations to erase and new mazes of communication to navigate, different people with a whole different set of beliefs. But it is very, very real. And very very worth it.
Belting out some Karaoke at the Tall Timber after the first high school game! |
A Visit to Iron Creek Falls |
20th Anniversary AmeriLaunch in Olympia |
Packwood party! |
Rippin up the Teen Center carpet! |
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