Saturday, May 10, 2014

SMACed (Otherwise known as AmeriParty)

Phew! April has come and gone! The month ended with an annual AmeriCorps "Training" (a glorified title for a retreat; we really just hang out and eat) called SMACed (something something something education - obviously, I was well educated on that.

From Friday morning through Monday morning, the eleven of us shared a cabin in the Puget Sound at the sanctimoniously secluded Camp Indianola. Our supervisor made her second home growing up in with her aunt here in the tiny town of the same name, just 20 minutes way back out of the winding road into this hidden gem. The camp had gardens and trails and water and a rope swing and tether ball and neat things on the water such as spouting clams and crabs and anemone (all 'red tide' though, so neat and poisonous!)

We each took turn cooking meals so there was a smorgasbord throughout the weekend. On the first night, we were all amused by Chris's latest feat of food-dom: eating 3 small-mixing-bowl-sized bowls of spaghetti. There were S'mores, I experimented with a new quinoa burger recipe, Ainsley made some bomb pizza and Jordan gave us cookies for breakfast. And there was Birthday Cake (a vegan-friendly recipe that was a hit for all, so a must-mark)

For me, a lot of the weekend was difficult as I moved through another digestive backlash but the environment and the walks were a blessing. I took an hour or two one morning to get lost on the loop trail of old growth and a few of us later followed the shoreline from in town back to camp.

We did a "service project" for the camp staff and, while I couldn't be of much help, I made important documentation of Mary's Macho Moment:

We had some devilishly good fun committing crimes against humanity:

And, I was brought over to the infectious clan of the Frozen fans:

Oh, and we did some work. Planned out some rad trips and activities for the rest of the year and concluded that we have maybe like, two days with absolutely nothing going on between now and the end of service.

AmeriPowerRangers, Go!

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