It's that time of year that begs pause, whether from some misplaced sense of obligation or some space deeper that reawakens, seeing a crack in blinding debris of a whole year past, suddenly overcome once again with the feeling that this year too, went by in a flash.
Like creating a painting, the true beauty of the final pice will never be realized if you begin with a fixation on what you think the full picture should look like. Only after spending time with each unfolding brush stroke can you stand back and see how the pieces work intimately to form what it was you saw before you.
I certainly fall culprit to fixation, and the beginning of this year was no different. My mind's image was not what I see before me now, but after years of letting my idealism disappoint me, I stand back now and try to see the textures of brushstrokes; something coming together, even if I may not know what.
In welcoming 2016, I feel a return to patches of color, places I've touched and can come back into with new detail. I have a bit of an attention deficit, and it can be hard for me to "get in the zone" when I paint or draw. But if I push past, I hit a sweet spot where I can reside and be present. As years go by, I'd like to think that my persistence in returning will eventually cultivate that same kind of presence.
The holidays were difficult for me. I was away from loved ones that weekend, and with the interface of Facebook, I was stuck in a limbo, removed from my reality, but not in any of those virtual vignettes either. As any attempts at authentic connections ceased, I withdrew more and more into a self-pitying state.
That weekend, I took a day just to drive amid the Idaho winter wonderland lit by chrome glow bouncing from the ice-covered trees. In the bone-chilling cold, I was re-captivated by the majesty of my surroundings, both soothed and invigorated. Nature once again proved to be the catalyst for escaping the rushing of getting ahead of myself.
So I'm beginning the new year with a different pace. Off of Facebook for a while, I hope to be more attentive to the strokes I am making (both literally and figuratively, as I hope to get artsy this month)
I invite you all to slow down a little, and come paint with me.
May the strokes of you 2016 be textured and colorful, and create the beauty of your heart.